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Eunice Gall

" ADN -Intelligent Design" - Original

" ADN -Intelligent Design" - Original

Regular price 38.500,00 lei RON
Regular price Sale price 38.500,00 lei RON
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110 x 110 cm (Î x L).

Tehnică mixtă pe hârtie, foiță de aur.  

Certificat de Autenticitate 


"ADN - intelligent design "

Un cod inteligent "ca un program de calculator, doar ca este mai complex decat tot ceea ce am reusit noi sa creem vreodata" Bill Gates. 
Locul in care e stocat limbajul vieții noastre.
“Einstein a spus:" Dumnezeu nu joaca zaruri", si a avut dreptate, Dumnezeu joaca scrabble" Philip Gold. Iar daca gasesti un limbaj de programare, inseamna ca exista si un programator. Daca gasesti o carte (o biblioteca intreaga) , exista si un Autor. Ei il numesc intelligent design, eu Il numesc Creator. Un Dumnezeu ce s-a pus pe Sine in om , semnat in fiecare celula a sa. La fel cum arta este o expresie a ființei interioare a creatorului, a artistului, tu ești o expresie a ființei interioare a artistului, Artistul divin. Identitatea mea, făcută după imaginea și asemănarea Eternității .


 " DNA -intelligent design "

An intelligent code "like a computer program, only it is more complex than anything we have ever managed to create" Bill Gates. The place where the language of our lives is stored. 
"Einstein said, 'God doesn't play dice,' and he was right, God does play scrabble." Philip Gold. And if you find a programming language, it means that there is also a programmer. If you find a book (a whole library), there is also an Author. They call it intelligent design, I call it Creator. A God who put Himself in man, signed in every cell.
As art is an expression of the inner being of the maker, of the artist, you are an expression of the very inner being of the artist, the divine Artist. My identity, made in the image and likeness of divinity.


Pentru orice detalii suplimentare privind plata sau transportul: +40 743188322 

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